Friday, February 14, 2025

Use Kindle Unlimited to Learn Creative Arts

Back in December I shared 5 embroidery books that would make great gifts or to get for yourself. Of course, getting a physical copy of one of these books would be great but what if you just wanted to take a look before you buy, or, maybe you don't have room for books so you use a Kindle. 

There is a program with Amazon called Kindle Unlimited that lets you view and read as many books and some magazines as long as they have been marked for the program. Not every book is in Unlimited but there are enough to keep you busy and there are several crafting books. There is also a limit on how many you can borrow at once but it's a good many and you can always return one to  make room for another. 

Two of the books I mentioned in December are available on Kindle Unlimited: 


If you get Kindle Unlimited both are included for no extra cost. Of course
Unlimited has a monthly subscription fee (currently $11.99) similar to a fee for streaming video. I like to think of it as paid library access because I almost always incur fines from the library because I either forget to renew or I just want to keep a book a little bit longer. And, I can cancel at anytime so if I find myself not accessing it as much, I can always take a break and go back a few months later and sign up again. 


So, at the $11.99 monthly fee, I can put both of these books in my Kindle library compared to buying both of them for my Kindle at a total of $24.98, a savings of $12.99 or a savings of $24.68 over getting the physical copies. But what if you really like to have the physical copy? If you have it in Unlimited you can take if for a spin on the Kindle and make the decision on whether you think you would get your money's worth before paying more for it. Then you can go check out other available books without spending more money...yet. I mean I have bookshelves filled with books, so....I might have a problem.

Using a Tablet

Plus, you can put more than just those two books in your library. I mentioned magazines above. I currently have Stitch magazine in my library. The only con with the magazines is that you cannot view them on your computer. You will need a tablet or other mobile device. I actually view most of my books on my tablet and I would suggest a decent size tablet to make reading easier. I have a Fire HD 10 tablet which is great for reading and perusing magazines with beautiful images. I also do some art work on it, listen to audio books, and watch my streaming shows. Tablets are very versatile and travel easily.